• Readings are every bit as good online as they are in person. Please install Zoom ahead of time, as that is how the reading will be done, if it is from a distance.

  • The Client will not see or hear anything, but me, as I endeavor to interpret to the best of my ability what I’m shown, what I am feeling and what I am being told by the Soul Being(s) who are “coming through.” I will ask at certain points for the Client to verify information being shown or said to me. Sometimes several Soul Beings will come to communicate, and it takes a bit of “detective work” to sort out who is who. To create a triangle of communication among the Medium, the Soul Being and the Client is the goal in any reading. The Client’s positive energy is very helpful, as our combined high vibrational energies help to connect with the Soul Being.

  • I ask that the Client be in a quiet place without distractions. Perhaps they have water or a cup of tea nearby. The Client will ideally come with an open mind. They may doubt, as long as they’re open to the possibilities. The communication is created through energy and the energy is stronger with a positive attitude. If it’s your first ever reading, you may be a little nervous. Not to worry.

  • The Soul Being(s) generally present me with images, feelings, commentary and sometimes names, in order to give evidence the Client can verify and identify with. They might show me a favorite piece of jewelry, favorite food, a place, memories etc. It will be something with which the client can identify. Sometimes it may start slowly, as the energy builds. Other times it may be strong from the start. If the Soul Being had a good sense of humor, they will usually show that as a trait that can be recognized. Messages may be for guidance or simply to remind you of memories they’ve shared with you, in order to show you they are indeed around you. If the connection is good, readings can be life transforming, as the Client realizes that their loved one is ok and that life really does go on.

  • Yes, however we can NEVER be certain they will come, so it’s VERY important to be OPEN MINDED and accepting of who comes. It has been my experience that Spirits will generally defer to the Soul Being who is deemed by them to have the most important message for the Client at that point in time.

  • The reading generally lasts 60 minutes, if the communication is flowing well. There is also the possibility that no one will come through, although that is rare. Or someone may come through, but the energy isn’t strong enough, and communication is therefore weaker and limited. Even famous Mediums sometimes come up blank. There may be an occasion where I feel I will not be the appropriate conduit of communication between you and your loved ones, in which case, I will end the reading after 10 min. and refund your payment.

  • You are welcome to take notes if you wish, however the session will be recorded for you and sent to you via WeTransfer. You must download your recording within 7 days, as WeTransfer will not continue to store the recording after that time.

  • Yes, two people who are members of the same nuclear family may take part in a reading.

  • The Medium is not privy to any deep dark secrets of the Client or the Soul Being unless both parties would like them to be. Soul Beings are infinitely intelligent and will know what and how to share information. Many messages make no sense to the Medium, because they are not for the Medium. They are for the Loved One, who will generally understand and is under no obligation to share with the Medium. Sometimes information given will not resonate immediately with the Client. They then remember it several hours or days later.

  • As in a Mediumship Reading, you are asked to be in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. As with Mediumship, we begin with a short meditation to align our mutual energies. Then we sit quietly and I connect to the Universal Healing Intelligence to bring emotional and physical healing. Afterward, we share any emotional or physical sensations you experienced.

  • No information in any reading is ever shared without the consent of the Client. Please refer to the Code of Ethics on this site for further information.

  • Writing a testimonial is greatly appreciated because it’s the best way to let me know how effective your experience was. It will also allow others to read about your experience and to trust what is possible. Please mail your kind words (as few or as many as they may be) to: info@tamarahunterpsychicmedium.com